When a new path awaits, do you hesitate?
The light beckons, the mystery reveals, the shadows recede. The old and worn out gives way to the new. Excitement builds, trepidation wanes and you breathe in the adventure you seek.
You take one step and then another. Your senses are overwhelmed with sounds, smells, sights, and you want it all to seep into your very pores, hungry for everything that makes up this one moment.
You keep on walking until the newness of the path fades, your mind wanders and you realize what was new and exciting is now discovered.
What a funny species we are! Consciousness is a great gift and at the same time, a curse. It allows us to create in ways that are hard to fathom and at the same time lets us follow our thoughts instead of our lives. We wander without wonder.
Our lives are made up of moments and we can let them pass us by or we can use our consciousness as a gift staying open to the wonder of life. Monotony doesn't have to be boring. It can be the time we take to let the drama of our lives float by and embrace being in the moment that we so need.
Wanting the drama leads to so much suffering. Needing stillness leads to letting our moments seep and settle. With each step we can be awake to our lives and discover peace.
My wish for you today is that you discover the peace in your life and share it freely with all of creation.