We had our first snowfall of the season and while winter isn't my favourite season, the first snowfall really is magical. I couldn't wait to get out this morning and start taking pictures. My run consisted of lots of stops as I tried to capture the beauty of the snow frosting the landscape. To all my "Camino girlfriends" the first snowfall is like the first day we encountered the cobblestones on our walk. You are so enchanted by the beauty on the first day and by the last you are cursing up a storm as you fight the blisters covering your feet from walking on all those *&#@ing cobblestones. Knowing myself well, I am pretty confident that I will be the same way with this winter. I start off enjoying the snow and by the end of winter I have cursed every blessed snowflake that fell.
So while I am still enjoying it I am going to share my top 5 pictures from today's winter wonderland to celebrate our first snowfall. Stay warm everyone :)